2018. Bending reality and biohackers have arrived... humans are already hacking into the universe. Absolute man made systems have to go, limitations have to go... rise and embrace the intelligent assimilation of ultimate knowledge.. of priming life.

Friday, March 9, 2018

Things are never what it was yesterday...and will never be

Was sitting thinking about events of life that are not favourable. But guess what, it doesn't matter because that was yesterday's story and it is gone, forever. It is not going to repeat so why hang on to that vision and today's story is right in front of you. Even that will be gone in a second. It doesn't matter.

Like those ripples on the lake made by an insect, a jumping fish or a bird or even the wind... all ripples, waves and movement is here this second and gone the next. The sky, the waters, the light, the sound... will never come together again in that pattern... it will be replaced by millions of other probabilities so why try and grasp a second when we have millions to go.

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